Research finds Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction just as effective as Antidepressant Drugs

A new, first of it’s kind study out of Georgetown University Medical Center (Hoya Saxa!) found that a guided mindfulness-based stress reduction program was as effective as use of the gold-standard drug — the common antidepressant escitalopram — for patients with anxiety disorders. According to Dr. Elizabeth Hoge, who is the director of the AnxietyContinueContinue reading “Research finds Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction just as effective as Antidepressant Drugs”

I took a digital experimental COVID-19 test and…

Could this and other tests be ushering in a new era in human development where our digital lives and our physical world meet? If so, what does this mean for medicine and healthcare in general?

The Mind Body Connection

Photo by Pixabay on Mind-body medicine focuses on the interactions among the brain, mind, body, and behavior, and the powerful ways in which emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and behavioral factors can directly affect health. It regards as fundamental an approach that respects and enhances each person’s capacity for self-knowledge and self-care, and it emphasizesContinueContinue reading “The Mind Body Connection”

Homeopathy: Fact or Fiction?

Everything I ever learned in the hours of grueling chemistry about reactions, particles and concentrations would be considered incorrect in this methadology.

Tai Chi More Effective Than Normal Exercise for Fibromyalgia Pain

A recent clinical study found participants who undertook Tai Chi improved at all times on several outcomes circulating around pain and discomfort associated with Fibromyalgia, a complex disorder characterized by chronic widespread pain, fatigue, sleep disturbance, and prominent physical and psychological impairment, whereas participants who undertook aerobic exercise showed less improvement. Fibromyalgia affects approximately 2-4%ContinueContinue reading “Tai Chi More Effective Than Normal Exercise for Fibromyalgia Pain”

Healthy Sacral Chakra: for Creative, Emotional, and Energetic Health

  Are you an emotional train-wreck? Do you lack the motivation to tackle simple tasks? Do you find people and places either suck the life out of you or generally wig you out? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it’s safe to say your Sacral Chakra is out of whack. Well, fearContinueContinue reading “Healthy Sacral Chakra: for Creative, Emotional, and Energetic Health”

How Killing the Planet is Killing Us

  A recent report from The Lancet, the world’s most widely read medical journal, along with recent reports from the U.S. Climate Assessment and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) all confirm what everyone has been screaming since thy kingdom come. Climate change is harming and killing us. Slowly, but surely. The numbers are striking. TheContinueContinue reading “How Killing the Planet is Killing Us”

The Missing Scientist: A Tale of Two DNA Strands

4 letters. Different configurations. No punctuation marks. No spaces. YET, it is responsible for encoding all the information needed for all free-living organisms on Earth. Deoxyribonucleic acid or better known as DNA is a molecule that contains the instructions an organism needs to develop, live and reproduce. These instructions are found inside every cell, andContinueContinue reading “The Missing Scientist: A Tale of Two DNA Strands”

CBD vs. THC: What’s The Difference

As the debate of legalizing cannabis continues to rage on, the difference between key compounds CBD and THC in cannabis is becoming increasingly important. They both have very different effects and uses that range from recreational to medically ground-breaking. You may have heard of cannabidiol oil (thanks to novelty products like CBD dog treats andContinueContinue reading “CBD vs. THC: What’s The Difference”