Healthy Heart Chakra: for Love, Abundance, and Inner Peace

To experience true love, you must first love yourself. To receive blessings and abundance, you must first believe you are deserving. That which you cannot find within, you will never find without. These axioms aren’t just words to live by – they’re also metaphysical fact. Before you can receive love in any form from the outside world, youContinueContinue reading “Healthy Heart Chakra: for Love, Abundance, and Inner Peace”

The Intuitive Art of Tarot

Ready for the cliche beginning? Ever since I was younger, I knew I was different. I always felt what others felt around me, as if the emotions were my own, but I never really identified with the emotion, as if it wasn’t originating from me. Much like picking up a signal you don’t intend to. ContinueContinue reading “The Intuitive Art of Tarot”

An Entire Mood: How to Mindfully Eat and Save Yourself from Pain in the Ass Diseases

With the war on drugs as a super controversial topic, often having cannabis or LSD as one of the main players, I personally feel as if those are the worst of our problems. Sugar is such a big part of our diets, in fact, it might be too big. Learning about nutrition recently, what youContinueContinue reading “An Entire Mood: How to Mindfully Eat and Save Yourself from Pain in the Ass Diseases”

Awakening the Queen Within

Today’s modern society can best be described as a paradox: On the one hand, our culture seems to be quickly evolving into a luminous ”golden age” of consciousness we’ve never witnessed before. People are coming together in refreshing ways to nurture the planet, create sustainable communities and work for social change. Veganism has hit theContinueContinue reading “Awakening the Queen Within”

#WCW: Dancing Through Life w/ Josephine Baker

This woman crush Wednesday, I have the pleasure of focusing on the life and legacy of Josephine Baker. An “adult” entertainer, fierce activist and WWII spy, she became the first black woman to be an international star and star in a major motion picture. The first time I heard about her, I was sitting inContinueContinue reading “#WCW: Dancing Through Life w/ Josephine Baker”

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Here is a thought. How much of you is actually you? Have you ever considered that there could be a tiny worm or some kind of virus inside of you controlling your every want, desire and need? Talk about manipulation, some of the creepiest (and smartest) creepy crawlies on this planet love getting their way,ContinueContinue reading “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”

Welcome to the End

Your stomach starts to rumble. You groan. The pangs of hunger are back, and with a vengeance too. You try to ignore the desperate calls of your body for sustenance, but you know you can provide it nothing. You look across the desolate landscape, praying for an answer, a way out, hope. A static crackleContinueContinue reading “Welcome to the End”

Caring for an Aging Population: How Cannabis Can Answer the Call

Many elderly people suffer from chronic pain but it is regularly under-treated, partly because managing these patients is often complex due to many factors including declining organ function and increased vulnerability to adverse side effects of multiple medications. Emerging evidence suggests cannabis may be the answer to this increasing demand for satisfactory pain management. DueContinueContinue reading “Caring for an Aging Population: How Cannabis Can Answer the Call”

The Power of Being Sex Positive

Womanhood can be painful, especially when it comes to matters of the bedroom. Sex. Everyone has it. It’s a singular, common experience, however, even in something so uniform, there is extreme variation, especially in how we express love and desire. Most associate sex with positive feelings of fulfillment and satisfaction. Then, there is growing numberContinueContinue reading “The Power of Being Sex Positive”